Workflow Blocks

Workflow blocks are divided into the following groups:

Popular — common blocks.• End
• Timer
• Task
• Condition
• Check point
Message — send one message to one contact.• One from many
• Email
• Viber
• Web Push
• Mobile Push
• App Inbox
Contact — remove/add a contact to segments or update custom contact fields.• Update custom fields
• Add to segment
• Remove from segment
Conditions — check a contact's compliance with a certain condition, split the workflow into two paths (Yes/No), and run one of them depending on the answer.• Condition
• Split
• Sent?
• Delivered?
• Opened?
• Clicked?
• Included in Segment?
• Current day/time
Other — multifunctional group.• End
• Task
• Webhook
• Sprayer
• Check point
Message to segment — send one message to a segment.• Email
• Viber
• Web Push
• Mobile Push
• App Inbox
Time — delay the execution of actions or execute actions at a specified time.• Timer
• Start on date

And Start block — not included in any group. It automatically appears in a new workflow by default.