Setting Up Warnings and Alarms

Set up notifications informing you when your marketing communications are malfunctioning or need attention.

Notification Types

You can monitor three types of information:

  • Amount of messages with specific tags sent within some period to control expected messaging frequency.
  • Amount of specific events registered within some period to control workflows’ functioning.
  • Amount of specific promocodes in your Reteno account to be sure you have enough unused promocodes left.

Specify the lower limit for the selected type, and the system will send you a notification (email/SMS) each time

  • the number of messages/events does not reach it
  • the number of promocodes reaches it.

For example, you use the subscribeFromApi event to launch the Welcome workflow; messages from this workflow are tagged welcome.

If the integration breaks, events will stop coming to the system.

At the same time, everything may be correct with event registration, but the system does not send messages for some reason (for example, due to lack of funds).

Specify the lower limit for the daily amount of subscribeFromApi events and welcome tags, and you will always know in time about the onboarding possible malfunctions.

It is also essential to have enough of each type of promocodes uploaded to your account, so the system can continue sending trigger messages where these promocodes are used.

Set up an alert when it is time to upload a new batch of promocodes, and your subscribers will always get their rewards on schedule.



The system checks parameters once a day.

Creating Notification

  1. Go to your profile settings → Notifications and click New notification.
New notification
  1. Select the following parameters:
  • Type,
  • Title or promocode type,
  • Amount,
  • Period (only for tags and events),
  • Notification type.
  • Notification parameters
  • Notification parameters
Notification parameters



Each notification has a conditional gradation regarding urgency with which you must react: Alarm or Warning. For example, you can set a warning when 500 promocodes are left in the system and an alarm for 50.

  1. Click Create.

You can set up as many notifications as you wish. But all of them will be transferred through one of the following event types:

  • Warning — alertSettingsWarningTriggerEvent
  • Alarm — alertSettingsAlarmTriggerEvent
Event types

To create these event types in your account, save at least one notification with the Warning and another with the Alarm types.

Substituting Event Parameters into the Message

The workflow will get data from the event and insert it into the message with the help of Velocity variables.

Insert variables in the message that will participate in the workflow in the $!data.get('name') format, where

  • $!data.get — extract data command,
  • the parameter name from which the value should be extracted is indicated in parentheses.
Event parameters

Event parameters:

periodDaysThe period selected for counting (only for tags and events)
thresholdThe lower limit for tags/events/promocodes
alertTrackingSourceTypeNotification type (TAG, EVENT, PROMOCODE)
alertTrackingSourceNameTag or event title/promocode type
actualCountThe number of sent messages/events/promo codes in the account at the time the notification was sent
organisationNameYour account name

More on substituting event data into messages

Setting Workflow

Create a workflow with Send obligatory (transactional) email or Send transactional SMS tasks.

Fill in block fields:

  1. Send obligatory (transactional) email:
  • Contact’s email: manager's email address.
  • Message: email with variables.
Email settings
  1. Send transactional SMS:
  • Message: SMS with variables.
  • Phone: manager’s phone number in full international format.
SMS settings

Connect events to workflows according to the instructions and launch the workflows.

Start configuration