Streaming Events from Firebase

Tracking the customers’ activity in your mobile application gives you insights into their journey and experience, thus helping you understand their behavior and see their preferences and expectations.

Using the mobile tracking feature, you can collect this data and use it for segmentation, targeting, and personal recommendations (similar to web tracking for a site).



To activate the mobile app tracking, subscribe to the activate the PROFESSIONAL plan.

The following diagram shows the overall flow of the data transfer from your mobile application to eSputnik’s CDP.

How to Set Up Tracking

To track the activity of users of your mobile application, you need to set up the transfer of relevant data to a BigQuery table, from where it will be automatically sent to eSputnik.


The data about the customer events come to Firebase. Then they are passed to a BigQuery table and exported to eSputnik CDP.

To set up the mobile tracking: 

  1. Configure the customer data transfer from a mobile app.
  2. Connect Google BigQuery with your eSputnik account.

Configuring data transfer from a mobile app 

To configure the customer data transfer from a mobile app to a BigQuery table, use the following instructions:

The method of event storing depends on the operating system and programming language used. See Firebase API Reference for instructions.

The following table describes the required event types:

VIEW_ITEMItem page view
VIEW_ITEM_LISTView of the items list (from a recommendations block)
VIEW_CARTCart page view
ADD_TO_CARTItems adding to the cart
REMOVE_FROM_CARTItems removed from the cart
PURCHASEItem purchased
Firebase_campaignUsed for tracking the link transitions from trigger campaigns. The tracking uses UTM tags.

For more details, see [GA4] Recommended events for the full list of events recommended by GA.



After setting up the data transfer to BigQuery, set up the BigQuery connector in your account.

Connecting Google BigQuery with eSputnik

Connect Google BigQuery with your eSputnik account for sending the data automatically to our CDP.



You need to subscribe to the PROFESSIONAL plan to send the data for the mobile app tracking and activate the menu Mobile Tracking.

  1. In your eSputnik account, go to Account > Settings and select Mobile Tracking from the menu on the left-hand side.
Mobile Tracking Menu
  1. Click the Connect Google BigQuery button.



When creating a new connector, the first step warns you that the utm_term UTM tag will be changed. Go to Profile → Settings → Links and make sure that this change does not hamper tracking your campaigns. See How to set up UTM tags for more details.

  1. Click Next.
UTM Tag Change Step
  1. Click Upload to upload the BigQuery key file.
    NOTE: To learn how to create and download a key file, see Integration with Google BigQuery.
  1. Click Validate connection. If a proper connection is established, the “Connection succeeded” message appears for a short while.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Click the down arrow icon and select a BigQuery dataset from the list, then click Done.
Select a BigQuery dataset

The Google BigQuery connection appears on the Mobile Tracking page.

BigQuery connection

Now the mobile tracking is configured in your eSputnik account.

Contacts Matching

When a user is not authorized in your app, but has a mobile token, getting a contactId from the account will help you. You can do this using the public API method. Pass the resulting contactId to the

The contact ID is its unique identifier, with the help of which the system identifies a person when they enter the application from different channels, browsers, and devices.

This way, you can collect all the data about the interaction of users with your application and send them omnichannel campaigns.

The system will add all available contact identifiers to the unique contact ID, such as mobile and web tokens, phone number, and email address.