Import External Data from Google Sheets

External data sources are used for recommendations in emails and for contact base segmentation.

  1. Go to your personal profile → Settings → Data Sources, click New data source and select External data sources.
External data source
  1. Select Google Sheets.
Google Sheets
  1. Enter a name and description and insert the link to the corresponding Google Spreadsheet.
Link to Google Spreadsheet

Make sure that:

  • The file is accessed by anyone with the link, without Google authorization required.
File sharing
  • The first line of the sheet contains headers in Latin.
First line of the sheet contains headers in Latin
  • The data you will use is contained in the first sheet.
Data in the first sheet
  • For multilingual messages, name the file sheets with the corresponding language codes according to ISO 639-1 (e.g., en) or RFC 5646 for dialects (e.g., es-MX).



Multilingualism in messages is not supported for all dialects, if you did not find the one you need, please contact our support at [email protected].

Sheets with the corresponding language codes

Specify the default language for the message this data source will be used in. If the default language is not specified, the content in the language of the first sheet will be used in the message.

  1. Click Refresh data. Data from the spreadsheet will be available for preview. By default, only the first 10 lines are previewed.
Data preview
  1. Click Advanced settings to specify the number of recommended items that will be displayed in the email. The message will not be sent if the quantity of products in the feed doesn’t match the specified range.
  2. Click Save. The created data source will be available in the general list. To remove it, click three dots on the right → Delete.
Data source in the general list

If you need to edit the data (for example, in case of a typo or no longer valid prices), make necessary edits to the Google Spreadsheet, and click Refresh data in the corresponding data source. Changes will be applied immediately.

Refresh data

How to Add Data from Google Spreadsheet to an Email

The data is added to the email via Velocity.

  1. In Messages → Messages, select an email with configured dynamic modules or create a new one.
  2. Click the stripe with product cards, click Code editor and insert the code with the corresponding data source as shown below.
Code with the data source name
  1. Make sure the stripe with dynamic content ends with the code !--#end--.
End code
  1. Specify product parameters from the spreadsheet (name, link, image and prices here) and add their variables to each product card:
  • $!item.get('Name')
  • $!item.get('Link')
  • $!item.get('Image')
  • $!item.get('Old Price')
  • $!item.get('New Price')
Product parameters
  1. To test whether the product data is inserted correctly, send a test email.
Test email

If you’ve set everything right, the data from the website will be added at the moment of the launch, and the email would look as follows:

Email with dynamic content in the Inbox

You can change the data in the spreadsheet and refresh the data source, and the updates will be applied immediately. They will be available for new campaigns; products in already sent campaigns will not change.