Creating and Uploading a Firebase Key

To send mobile push notifications via Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), register the project in Google Firebase, create a key, and upload it to eSputnik.

Creating a Project

  1. Go to the Google Firebase service page and click Get started.
Get started
  1. Click the Create a project button.
Create a project
  1. Name the project and accept the terms of use; click Continue.
Name the project
  1. Activate or deactivate the use of Google Analytics for the project; click Continue.

If you have agreed to use Google Analytics, select or create a Google Analytics account; click Create project.

Create project
  1. Your new project is ready; click Continue.
Your new project is ready

Generating a Key

  1. In the left panel, click the settings wheel next to Project Overview and go to the Project settings menu.
Project settings
  1. Go to the Service accounts tab and click the Generate new private key button.
Generate new private key
  1. Click Generate key In the dialog box.
Generate key
  1. Download the key to your device.

Uploading a Key to eSputnik

Go to your eSputnik account settings to the Mob Push tab, open one of the previously created applications or create a new one and upload the key file.

Upload a key to eSputnik

More on connecting mobile app >