Dynamic Message Content

Personalization with dynamic content helps tailor a message to each particular customer using their contact data.

Contact data can include any piece of data you’ve managed to collect on the customer across all your platforms.
Choose the most convenient way to craft your business communications.

Apache Velocity Library

In Reteno, the dynamic content option is featured by using of Apache Velocity library. Learn more about the main Velocity language features>>

Dynamic Variables

Using variables, you can add any personal info depending on the available data in the contact card. For example, to address a customer by name, use the %FIRSTNAME% variable.


The preprocessor is a mechanism for constructing dynamic content in messages based on data prepared beforehand: product recommendations, the mutual order of blocks, random selection of goods, and urgent offers for different user categories.

Product Recommendations

Product recommendations are a separate block in the message containing recommended items (products, services, articles) based on the recipient's behavior on the website or in the mobile app (views, purchases, items added to favorites or cart, etc.).

Synchronizations with different services help save time on routine processes, such as transferring data or running triggers. If you still have questions about integration with Reteno, contact our support team (support@reteno.com), and we'll be sure to help.