Deep Links and Universal Links
A deep link is a link that leads users to a specific section of an app rather than to its home page or a web page. A universal link is a deep link exclusive to Apple devices only.
They can be used in email campaigns to direct users to a specific section within an app.

Guide on the official website:
- Create links to certain app pages.
- Add intent filters to incoming links.
- Add the association file in a JSON format to your domain (app domain or ad tracker domain).
Test intent:
adb shell am start
-W -a android.intent.action.VIEW
Guide on the official website:
- In the app settings, create an association between your app and your domain (app domain or ad tracker domain) via XCode.
- Create an association file - a page that contains data in the JSON format that is content in the app;
- In app delegate, set up rules for clicks on universal links. A click will redirect to the app if it is installed or to the page in Safari if the app is not installed.
For proper operation, provide the association file (manifest.json) to our support to be placed on our server.
When creating an association, note that all the links in the campaign will look like this: This is a subdomain. When a user clicks such links, they’re redirected to our server. The system registers the link and returns the original link that the user clicks.
Updated 23 days ago