Import FAQ
1. I have a legally collected validated contact base. How come there are blacklisted contacts in it?
After an import, you may find some of the imported contacts blacklisted. It happens because the system checks emails on its own general blacklist. If contact is blacklisted, it means it has already been used for some campaigns, and the system defined it as invalid. Blacklisted contacts aren’t included in workflows and have no impact on your reputation as a sender.
2. How do I download the phone number database?
The Phone Number field is a standard field that can contain only integer numbers; no text or special characters are supported.
The contacts from this field are used to send SMS and Viber messages. The number should be specified in the international format:
0207183 8750
See more detailed requirements for contact fields.
You can import only phone numbers valid in the country that you have selected while registering in the system. If you want to import phone numbers valid in other countries, contact our support.
3. Can I buy a contact list from you and use it for my campaigns?
If you care about your reputation, never use bought lists. Otherwise, you risk facing bans by email clients, problems with an ESP, fines, poor response rate and loss of credibility.
eSputnik is categorically against spam. In the event of the violation of any of the Terms of Use, we reserve the right to terminate the service provision unilaterally and withhold a fine equal to the amount of money that remains in your account at the time of service provision termination.
Updated about 19 hours ago