Rate Limits

The number of requests the API consumer can make in a second

A rate limit is the number of API requests (calls) an app or user can make within a defined time.

If the number of requests exceeds the limits described in the table below, requests are temporarily blocked (throttled) until the rate limit window resets; the responses return an error with status code 429.

The methods not listed in this table share a total default rate limit of 200 requests per second.

MethodRequest typeEndpointMax requests per second
Get contact ID by tokenGET/api/v1/contact/token/{app_uuid}/{token_id}/contactId150
Search for contactsGET/api/v1/contacts50
Generate events v1POST/api/v1/event350
Generate past events V1POST/api/v1/past_events100
Delete eventsDELETE/api/v1/past_events5
Update interaction statusPUT/api/v1/interactions/{interaction_id}/status300
Get contact's message historyGET/api/v2/contacts/messages10
Generate event v2POST/api/v2/event350
Generate past events V2POST/api/v2/past_events100
Get email messageGET/api/v1/messages/email/{id}10