Android Recommendations

You can personalize the user experience and increase sales by adding recommendations of your goods and services to an app. The passed recommendations are based on the customer activity data and include the following options:

  • Out of stockĀ - a selection based on similar items.
  • Cross-selling - offer of related products. The selected items are based on those added to the cart.
  • Upselling - offering based on more expensive and complementary goods and services to increase the order value.
  • Potential purchaseĀ - The selected items are based on the orders of users who have purchased this product.
  • Personal recommendationsĀ - based on the customer's purchase and browsing history.
  • OtherĀ - an offer is created individually if the required algorithm is not available among our platform's pre-configured algorithms.



Each type of recommendation uses different requests having their own algorithms and rules since they take data from different sources.



Recommendations are available in SDK starting from versionĀ 1.3.0.

Reteno Recommendations

To get an instance of theĀ RecommendationsĀ object, you need to use theĀ Reteno.recommendationĀ property.



val recommendation = reteno.recommendation

Get recommendations

Before starting using recommendations you have to meet the following conditions:

  • Set up web tracking or tracking for mobile apps.
  • Create a data source with a required algorithm for each recommendation type to use its ID when calling an API.

Method signature:

 * Obtain Recommendations.
 * @param recomVariantId recommendation variant id. It is in r{recomId}v{variantId} format. Where recomId and variant Id are integer identifiers
 * @param recomRequest [com.reteno.core.domain.model.recommendation.get.RecomRequest] model
 * @param responseClass Class type to cast response to
 * @param responseCallback Type-safe [com.reteno.core.recommendation.GetRecommendationResponseCallback]
 * @see [com.reteno.core.domain.model.recommendation.get.RecomRequest]
 * @see [com.reteno.core.recommendation.GetRecommendationResponseCallback]
fun <T : RecomBase> fetchRecommendation(
    recomVariantId: String,
    recomRequest: RecomRequest,
    responseClass: Class<T>,
    responseCallback: GetRecommendationResponseCallback<T>

To getĀ recomVariantIdĀ parameter, copy ID from JS script example in the recom Parameters screen. It is in r{recomId}v{variantId} format. Where recomId and variant Id are integer identifiers.


There are three types of recommendations algorythms:

  • Personal based recommendations. In this case you don't need to passĀ productIdsĀ andĀ categoryIdĀ parameters.
  • Category based recommendations. In this caseĀ categoryIdĀ parameter is required.
  • Product based recommendations. This algorithm requres passingĀ productIdsĀ parameter.


 * This class describes the paramter model for getting Recommendations from Reteno SDK
 * Return all product fields if a request does not contain fields parameter.
 * Return only productId if fields array in a request is empty.
 * @property products product IDs for product-based algorithms
 * @property category product category key for category-based algorithms
 * @property fields fields to return in response. If fields is null - all fields in the model returned
 * @property filters additional algorithm filters map. Filters are not supported yet. Reserved for the future.
data class RecomRequest @JvmOverloads constructor(
    val products: List<String>?,
    val category: String?,
    val fields: List<String>? = null,
    val filters: RecomFilter? = null

In theĀ fieldsĀ parameter pass recommended product model fields you want to receive in the response.



SDK returns all product fields if a request does not containĀ fieldsĀ parameter and onlyĀ productIdĀ ifĀ fieldsĀ array in a request is empty.


data class RecomFilter(
    val name: String,
    val values: List<String>

You should provide the class your wish the response to be casted to in responseClass: Class<T> argument. If response casting is failed you will receive plain response in String format and then you can operate it as you wish.

Also provide the callback where you will receive the response:

interface GetRecommendationResponseCallback<T : RecomBase> {

     * @param response Response casted to a provided type
    fun onSuccess(response: Recoms<T>)

     * @param response This callback is invoked if casting to a provided type fails. Provides raw JSON String
    fun onSuccessFallbackToJson(response: String)

     * @param statusCode Rest status code (500, 400, etc)
     * @param response response message from the server
     * @param throwable exception thrown returned in this parameter if any
    fun onFailure(statusCode: Int?, response: String?, throwable: Throwable?)

In the end you will receive recommendations either in the onSuccess(response: Recoms) callback method (if casting to provided model is successful) or in fun onSuccessFallbackToJson(response: String) if casting failed. If there is any problem with the server or if the request was created incorrectly you will receive all the information in the callback fun onFailure(statusCode: Int?, response: String?, throwable: Throwable?).
Note the possible errors from the server:

Invalid request parameters400recomVariantIdĀ 
- must be specified
- Invalid format: %s. Must be r{recomId}v{variantId}
recomVariantId doesnā€™t exist422Unknown recomVariantId r1105v148
product is empty for product-based algorithms400product ids must be set
category is empty for category-based algorithms400category id must be set

Usage example

1. Create recommended product model.

Make sure to extend your model from RecomBase as it should always contain at least productId field

data class RecommendationResponse(
    override val productId: String,
    val descr: String?
) : RecomBase

interface RecomBase {
    val productId: String
public class RecommendationResponse implements RecomBase {

    private String productId;
    private String descr;

    public RecommendationResponse(String productId, String descr) {
        this.productId = productId;
        this.descr = descr;

    public String getProductId() {
        return productId;

    public String getDescr() {
        return descr;


Tip: at first and see what properties will be in the response model.

2. Make a request

Function works with generic response type, so you need to specify result type as follows:

val request = RecomRequest(
    products = listOf("product1", "product2"),
    category = null,
    fields = listOf("productId", "descr", "date_created_as", "date_created_es"),
    filters = null

    object : GetRecommendationResponseCallback<RecommendationResponse> {
        override fun onSuccess(response: Recoms<RecommendationResponse>) {
            // handle success

        override fun onSuccessFallbackToJson(response: String) {
            // handle success when casting failed

        override fun onFailure(statusCode: Int?, response: String?, throwable: Throwable?) {
            // handle error
RecomRequest request = new RecomRequest(
    List.of("prodcut1", "product2"), 
    List.of("productId", "descr", "date_created_as", "date_created_es"), 

getReteno().getRecommendation().fetchRecommendation("r123v123", request, RecommendationResponse.class, new GetRecommendationResponseCallback<RecommendationResponse>() {
    public void onSuccess(@NonNull Recoms<RecommendationResponse> response) {
        // handle success

    public void onSuccessFallbackToJson(@NonNull String response) {
        // success when casting failed

    public void onFailure(@Nullable Integer statusCode, @Nullable String response, @Nullable Throwable throwable) {
        // handle error



The Recoms model, where T is the model you wish to receive (RecommendationResponse):

data class Recoms<T: RecomBase>(
    val recoms: List<T>,

Send recommendation events

Send events are cached locally and are sent to the server regularly in a batch of backend requests. So offline mode is supported.

Send events about showing user specific product recommendations or user clicks on recommended products via next SDK method:

 * Log recommendation events
 * @param recomEvents - recommendation event to be logged
 * @see []
fun logRecommendations(recomEvents: RecomEvents)

RecomEvents model:

 * Model to log Recommendation events
 * @param recomVariantId REQUIRED. Recommendation variant id. It is in r{recomId}v{variantId} format. Where recomId and variant Id are integer identifiers
 * @param recomEvents list of []
data class RecomEvents(
    val recomVariantId: String,
    val recomEvents: List<RecomEvent>?

RecomEvent model:

 * Recommendation event
 * @property recomEventType REQUIRED. Can be either IMPRESSIONS or CLICKS
 * @property occurred REQUIRED. Time in [java.time.ZonedDateTime]. Usually
 * ```
 * ```
 * @property productId REQUIRED. Id of the product
 * @see []
data class RecomEvent(
    val recomEventType: RecomEventType,
    val occurred: ZonedDateTime,
    val productId: String

RecomEventType model:

enum class RecomEventType {

Usage example:

val recomEvent1 = RecomEvent(RecomEventType.CLICKS,, "product1")
val recomEvent2 = RecomEvent(RecomEventType.IMPRESSIONS,, "product2")
val eventList: List<RecomEvent> = listOf(recomEvent1, recomEvent2)

val recomEvents = RecomEvents("r123v123", eventList)
RecomEvent recomEvent1 = new RecomEvent(RecomEventType.CLICKS,, "product1");
RecomEvent recomEvent2 = new RecomEvent(RecomEventType.IMPRESSIONS,, "product2");
List<RecomEvent> eventList = new ArrayList<>();

RecomEvents recomEvents = new RecomEvents("r123v123", eventList);