Reteno SDK can automatically track application lifecycle and track events that described below.
Track AppLifecycle Events
When isAutomaticAppLifecycleReportingEnabled
(iOS) or appLifecycleEnabled
(Android) is enabled Reteno
tracks the following events:
Event Name | Properties | Description |
ApplicationInstalled | version, build | This event fires when a user opens the application for the first time right after installation |
ApplicationUpdated | version, build, previousVersion, previousBuild | This event fires when a user opens the application after updating the application |
ApplicationOpened | fromBackground | This event fires when a user launches or foregrounds the application after the first open |
ApplicationBackgrounded | applicationOpenedTime, secondsInForeground | This event fires when a user backgrounds the application |
Track Push Subscription Events
When isAutomaticPushSubscriptionReportingEnabled
(iOS) or pushSubscriptionEnabled
(Android) is enabled Reteno
tracks the following events:
Event Name | Description |
PushNotificationsSubscribed | This event fires when a customer susbribes for push notifications |
PushNotificationsUnsubscribed | This event fires when a customer unsusbribes from push notifications |
Track Session Events
When isAutomaticSessionReportingEnabled
(iOS) or sessionEventsEnabled
(Android) is enabled Reteno
tracks the following events:
Event Name | Properties | Description |
SessionStarted | sessionId, startTime | This event fires when a user's session started |
SessionEnded | sessionID, endTime, durationInSeconds, applicationOpenedCount, applicationBackgroundedCount | This event fires when a user's session ended |
Configure Android initialization
To control or disable tracking of some events you must supply instance of LifecycleTrackingOptions.
data class LifecycleTrackingOptions(
val appLifecycleEnabled: Boolean = true,
val pushSubscriptionEnabled: Boolean = true,
val sessionEventsEnabled: Boolean = true
Also there are 2 useful shortcuts:
to all categoriesLifecycleTrackingOptions.NONE
to disable all categories.
During SDK initialization
new RetenoImpl(
/* application */ this,
/* accessKey */ "your_access_key",
/* config */ new RetenoConfig(
/* isPausedInAppMessages */ false,
/* userIdProvider */ createProvider(),
/* lifecycleTrackingOptions */ new LifecycleTrackingOptions(
/* appLifecycleEnabled */ true,
/* pushSubscriptionEnabled */ false,
/* sessionEventsEnabled */ false
application = applicaiton,
accessKey = "your_access_key",
config = RetenoConfig(
lifecycleTrackingOptions = LifecycleTrackingOptions(
appLifecycleEnabled = true,
pushSubscriptionEnabled = false,
sessionEventsEnabled = false
Configure iOS initialization
To control or disable tracking of some events you must init configuration.
let configuration: RetenoConfiguration = .init(
isAutomaticAppLifecycleReportingEnabled: Bool = true,
isAutomaticPushSubscriptionReportingEnabled: Bool = true,
isAutomaticSessionReportingEnabled: Bool = true,
Reteno.start(apiKey: "API_KEY", configuration: configuration)
Note Ensure that the init method parameters are passed in the correct order as specified. All available parameters for init method:
public init(
isAutomaticScreenReportingEnabled: Bool = false,
isAutomaticAppLifecycleReportingEnabled: Bool = true,
isAutomaticPushSubscriptionReportingEnabled: Bool = true,
isAutomaticSessionReportingEnabled: Bool = true,
isPausedInAppMessages: Bool = false,
inAppMessagesPauseBehaviour: PauseBehaviour = .postponeInApps,
isDebugMode: Bool = false