Cordova Android SDK Setup

Getting Started with Reteno Plugin for Android

  1. Install cordova-plugin-reteno using cordova:
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-reteno
  1. Install firebase plugin in application:
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-reteno-firebase

Setting up SDK

Follow our setup guide to integrate the Reteno SDK with your app.

Step 1: Add Android platform

cordova platform add android

Step 2: Set up your Firebase application for Firebase Cloud Messaging:

  • Download your google-services.json config file (see how here).

  • Add the above file to your root app/ folder.


  • Copy your FCM Server Key. In the Firebase console, click the gear icon next to Overview.

Then click Project SettingsCloud MessagingManage Service Accounts.

Go to Service accounts to download FirebaseAdminSdk account's json key.

Now you are ready to run your app and send a marketing push notification to your application.

Step 3: Edit your MainApplication class

Below is sample code you can add to your application class which gets you started with RetenoSDK.

package [com.YOUR_PACKAGE];


import androidx.annotation.NonNull;

import com.reteno.core.Reteno;
import com.reteno.core.RetenoImpl;
import com.reteno.plugin.CordovaRetenoApplication;

public class MainApplication extends Application implements CordovaRetenoApplication {
    private Reteno retenoInstance=null;

    public void onCreate() {
        retenoInstance = new RetenoImpl(this, "YOUR_API_KEY");

    public Reteno getRetenoInstance() {
        return retenoInstance;

Step 4: Link development plugin folder (optional):

In case you have a local copy of Reteno Cordova Plugin, you may want to add it to the project, in order to be able to modify or debug it. If this is the case, you should remove the current plugin version from npm and add the local one. Provided that the plugin is located at the parent folder, this can be done as follows:

  cordova plugin remove cordova-plugin-reteno
  cordova plugin add --link <path_to_plugin_folder>/cordova-plugin-reteno/

  cordova plugin remove cordova-plugin-reteno-firebase
  cordova plugin add --link <path_to_plugin_folder>/cordova-plugin-reteno-firebase/

So, config.xml file should contain one line like this:

<plugin name="cordova-plugin-reteno" spec="file:../cordova-plugin-reteno" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-reteno-firebase" spec="file:../cordova-plugin-reteno-firebase" />

Step 5: Firebase usage

If you already use Firebase for Remote notifications or would like to use Firebase along with Reteno, you can use it as it is, because cordova-plugin-reteno-firebase provides Firebase support out of the box.

Run Android version

  • Run from command line:
cordova run android
  • Run from Android Studio: Go to platforms/android folder. Create android studio project and run MainActivity class

Run your app on a physical Android device to make sure it builds correctly.